mother and daughter by mills, Mpls, 2012
women checking messages, Mpls, 2012
Foggy morning, Mpls, 2012
Man takings a smoke break , Mpls, 2012
Men reading newspapers, Mpls, 2012
Taking pictures upnorth, Ely, 2011
Boy with fathers boots, Sedona, 1988
Brushing croissants, Mpls, 2012
Childhood package, Mpls, 2006
Annamuse hiding, Mpls, 2011
Midtown bus shelter, Mpls, 2012
make up and hair, Mpls, 2012
Father son skating, Mpls, 2012
Hands holding metal heart at Savers, Mpls, 2012
on a cold summer day, Ely, Mn 2011
artsled fans, mpls, 2012
Charades on Burntside, Ely, MN 2011
Garage sale in Whitier, Mpls, 2011
Boy getting buried, Lake Nokomis, Mpls 2011
Newman cold, mpls, 2012
Birthday cake sledder, mpls, 2012
Vacant storefront on Lake street ,Mpls,2012