False Morel. Ely, MN , 2010
Path at dusk, Ely MN, 2010
Exiting Cabin 6, Ely MN, 2010
Garage fire on Bloomington, 1997
Constanza working on a mural, Powderhorn Park,1997
Eric getting 1st place in speed skating, Powderhorn Park, 1997
First tornado watch, 1997
Health Powderhorn youth business meeting, Powderhorn Park, 1996
Daisy rolling in snow, Powderhorn Park, 1997
Evening snow, Powderhorn Park, 1996
Watching Mexican dancers, Lake Street Cultural Festival, 1997
Boy with dead sturgeon, Powderhorn Park, 2010
Mister can I take your picture?, Powderhorn, 1997
Ghetto Basketball Association halftime show, Central Gym, 1997
Miss Lake Street , 1997
Campout in the Park, Powderhorn Park, 1997
Family gathers on lawn, 3500 12th ave, 1996
Chalk mandala, 1996
Russ's livingroom, 1996
National Nightout on Bloomington Ave., Powderhorn,1997
Slimy Lake, Powderhorn Park, 1996
Mural on 17th ave and Lake st., 1996